
Rehabilitation Livery

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Louise adds new practitioner qualifications with aromatherapy
Louise adds new practitioner qualifications with aromatherapy

Louise adds new practitioner of aromatherapy to the rider owner profile and the equine . Aromatherapy can be a fantastic way to treat a multitude of health and psychological symptoms and conditions. Louise personally uses aromatherapy as a daily practice for herself and her loved ones and pets .
The name aromatherapy is slightly misleading as it insinuates this is just a scent based smelling therapy but it’s much more than that topical application has a multitude of benefits for all sorts of conditions. For more information jump to the services page

New practitioner qualifications added
New practitioner qualifications added

Louise adds some new qualifications to her human therapy options for riders or owners.
EFT - Emotional freedom techniques and TFT - Thought field therapy tapping practitioner .
Both techniques share the ability to heal mental and physical imbalances by tapping certain sequences at different points on the upper body using meridian therapies. These therapies utilize the principles of acupuncture but incorporate tapping and pressure along the body’s meridian points instead of needles..